We also build custom kits!
Take the mystery out of air pressure with our exciting AND educational air pressure science projects. Your students will love learning with these fun science projects and simple activities. Our air pressure science experiments use the basic properties of air pressure to teach children about the fantastic world of physics in small, easily grasped demonstrations.
From classic Tornado Tubes to the amazing Rocket Balloons, we've got what you need to make air pressure science projects motivational and memorable while keeping your students safe.
Educational Innovations' President and CEO, Tami O'Connor, spent many years as a science teacher in elementary and middle school classrooms....read more
The sky (and beyond) is the limit if you're looking to start a class discussion on air pressure! Practically anything goes--from balloons to spacesuits....read more
It's no wonder air pressure is one of our favorite science topics at Educational Innovations. There are so many different aspects to explore...read more
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