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As teachers, we want our students to be inquisitive. But what does it mean to "think like a scientist?" A key component is critical thinking. Learning materials that help your students to actively consider information, assess the validity of data, and form their own conclusions are an ideal way to bring critical thinking into your classroom.
Whether your students are trying to figure out why the beads float at different levels in our Poly Density Kit or are wondering which scientific principles are at work with our Atmospheric Mat, these critical thinking learning materials are bound to improve their skills and understanding of scientific phenomena. We agree with the scholar who wrote, "The value of science education might not always be in the facts, but in the thinking." Get your students thinking critically with activities from Educational Innovations!
I always love when Spring arrives because we start physics topics in my eighth grade physical science class! Don't get me wrong....read more
We first heard the term "STEM" several years ago. In May of 2013, the National Science and Technology Council introduced their five-year.....read more
Snowflakes! They arrive in flurries, storms and blizzards, not to mention "Winter Bomb Cyclones!" I've always thought the science behind....read more
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