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Students can use the Student Timers to make observations to use and share regarding local weather conditions to describe patterns over time.
Students can use the Student Timers to collect data to provide evidence that energy can be transferred from place to place with heat.
Students can use the Student Timers in the design of a project to construct, test, and modify a device that either leases or absorbs thermal energy.
Students can use the Student Timers in the design of tests and to gather data for a design solution about climate, materials, and natural resources.
Students can use the Student Timers to develop a model to illustrate that the release or absorption of energy from a chemical reaction system depends upon the changes in total bond energy.
Students can use the Student Timers in an investigation that applies scientific principles and evidence to provide an explanation about the effects of changing the temperature of reacting particles on the rate at which a reaction occurs.
Students can use the Student Timers to plan and conduct an investigation of the properties of water and its effects on Earth materials and surface processes.
Students can conduct investigations using the Student Timers, providing accurate timing, and data during investigations.
Students can use the Student Timers to gather data in the schoolyard. This could include how temperature changes over the course of a day as the sun moves or weather conditions change.
Students can use the Student Timers to collect data to provide evidence that thermal energy can be transferred from place to place over time.
The more precisely a design task's criteria and constraints can be defined, the more likely it is that the designed solution will be successful.
* NGSS is a registered trademark of Achieve. Neither Achieve nor the lead states and partners that developed the Next Generation Science Standards were involved in the production of, and do not endorse, this product.
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