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The Case of the Contaminated Creek

SKU #CSI-740
Availability: In Stock
May require additional shipping time and may not be available for express shipping.
This cold case has an attention-grabbing environmental twist.


This cold case has an attention-grabbing environmental twist. Students must analyze macro-invertebrate images, hair samples, glass samples, lip prints, DNA data, and even consult "FakeBook" pages to try to deduce the mysteries surrounding Crystal Creek. This cross curricular/STEM kit even includes an engineering challenge with design modifications. The kit contains activity materials and instructional resources on a USB drive. Grades 6-12. For a class of 30.

How does this compare to our other Crime Scene Kits?

Choking Hazard

Materials Needed but Not Included in the Kit
  • Class set of rulers and or meter sticks
  • Stereomicroscope or hand lenses
  • 1 gallon of distilled or bottled water
  • Paper Starbucks® coffee cup
  • A human dummy (fake body)