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Magnetic Field Viewer Card NGSS

  • Magnetic Field Viewer Card
    Item #: M-555
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You can use this amazing viewer card to locate the poles of a magnet.


You can use this amazing viewer card to locate the poles of a magnet. It shows exactly where and how many magnetic poles are on any small magnet. The card is ideal for conveying the concept of magnetic poles! Great for identifying magnets! 9.8 x 6.3 cm (3 7/8" x 2" 1/2").
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3 reviews
Review star icon Review star icon Review star icon Review star icon Review star icon Jan 21, 2014
The magnetic field viewer card is another excellent product. Very handy and it shows the field quite well. I think it's likely a good "prize" as a reward for those who excel in their science assignments; or those who show a special interest in magnetostatics.

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Review star icon Review star icon Review star icon Review star icon Review star icon Sep 27, 2013
very easy for students to use and read.

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field viewer
Review star icon Review star icon Review star icon Review star icon Review star icon Apr 9, 2013
This thing is cool. Helps to understand magnetic fields. Better than iron fillings.

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This product will support your students' understanding of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)*, as shown in the table below.

Elementary Middle School High School


Students can use the Magnetic Field Viewer to plan and conduct an investigation to compare the effects of different strengths or different directions of pushes and pulls on the motion of an object.


Students can use the Magnetic Field Viewer to investigate and analyze data obtained from testing different materials to determine which materials have properties that are best suited for an intended purpose.


Students can use the Magnetic Field Viewer define a simple design problem that can be solved by applying scientific ideas about magnets.


Students can do an activity with the Magnetic Field Viewer with a Bar Magnet to analyze and interpret data from maps to describe patterns of Earth's features.


Students can use the Magnetic Field Viewer to gather and make sense of information during an investigation.


Students can use the Magnetic Field Viewer to ask questions about data to determine the factors that affect the strength of magnetic forces.


Students can use the Magnetic Field Viewer to conduct an investigation and evaluate the experimental design to provide evidence that fields exist between objects exerting forces on each other even though the objects are not in contact.


Students can do an activity with the Magnetic Field Viewer with a Bar Magnet to construct an explanation based on evidence for how geoscience's processes have changed Earth's surface at varying time and spatial scales

DCI-MS/PS1.A: Structure and Properties of Matter.

Each pure substance has characteristic physical and chemical properties that can be used to identify it.

DCI-MS/PS3.C: Relationship Between Energy and Forces.

When two objects interact, each one exerts a force on the other that can cause energy to be transferred to or from the object.


Students can use the Magnetic Field Viewer in the design of a device that works with given constraints to convert one form of energy into another form of energy.


The Magnetic Field Viewer can be used to develop and model how two objects interacting through magnetic fields, illustrates the forces between objects and the changes in energy of the objects due to the interaction.

Investigations using the Cow Magnet will demonstrate the attraction and repulsion between electric charges at the atomic scale explain the structure, properties, and transformations of matter, as well as the contact forces between material objects.

Suggested Science Idea(s)


Students can do an activity with the Magnetic Field Viewer and a Bar Magnet to model the Earth's magnet field. Place the Bar magnet on a flat surface, cover it the Magnetic Field Viewer to reveal the magnetic field. This helps them to better understand the north/south identification on maps.


The above activity can also model how over the course of Earth's history, the magnetic field of the poles have swapped location, based on magnetic readings of the Atlantic Ocean floor. Rotate the magnet 180 degrees to model the geologic history of the Earth's magnetic field.


Matter can be described and classified by its observable properties.


Investigations using Magnets will demonstrate the attraction and repulsion between electric charges at the atomic scale explain the structure, properties, and transformations of matter, as well as the contact forces between material objects.


Students can use the Magnetic Field Viewer to Develop a model to describe a phenomenon. This sealed container of filings helps younger learners and prevents a mess, as they discover magnetic properties.


*NGSS is a registered trademark of Achieve. Neither Achieve nor the lead states and partners that developed the Next Generation Science Standards were involved in the production of, and do not endorse, this product.