E-Blox Building Sets


E-Blox® are not your ordinary building blocks. Not only can they be used to build your creations, they can also bring them to life! E-Blox® use patented technology, which consists of tin- plated blocks (Power Blox Set) or copper pins and sockets (Circuit Blox set) that connect to a battery block, powering the electrical component blocks. The plated blocks used in our Power Blox set allow you to seamlessly integrate electronic circuitry into your builds to illuminate them with no wires to bundle or hide. The voltage across these plated blocks is very low, so there is virtually no risk of electrical shock when you touch them. And our Circuit Blox set includes parts that enable interworking with our Power Blox Set so you can also add motors, speakers, and amplifiers to your builds to create sound effects and launch fans.
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  • e-Blox Circuit Blox 800

    e-Blox Circuit Blox 800

    800 different projects to build.
  • e-Blox Story Blox - The Island

    e-Blox Story Blox - The Island

    The Island is a chapter in the E-Blox® novelette Earth One.
  • e-Blox Lumen Seymour PowerFigure

    e-Blox Lumen Seymour PowerFigure

    Male Mini PowerFigure
  • e-Blox Lumen Robyn PowerFigure

    e-Blox Lumen Robyn PowerFigure

    Female Mini PowerFigure
  • e-Blox Lumen Dog Glen PowerFigure

    e-Blox Lumen Dog Glen PowerFigure

    Canine Mini PowerFigure
  • e-Blox Circuit Blox Lights 'N Motion

    e-Blox Circuit Blox Lights 'N Motion

    Create a stunning light display and bring your creation to life!
  • e-Blox Circuit Blox Lights Starter

    e-Blox Circuit Blox Lights Starter

    Colorful transparent building blocks allow lights to pass through them, creating a dazzling display!
  • e-Blox Circuit Blox 59

    e-Blox Circuit Blox 59

    Review star icon Review star icon Review star icon Review star icon Review star icon (1 review)
    Discover how lights, alarms, motors, switches, and more work all while building fun projects.
  • e-Blox Power Blox Builds Plus Set

    e-Blox Power Blox Builds Plus Set

    Stimulate young minds with creativity, imagination and science.
  • e-Blox Story Blox - The City

    e-Blox Story Blox - The City

    The City is a chapter in the E-Blox® novelette Earth One.
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